Analog Relax JP Lead Advanced

Analog Relax JP Lead Advanced

PC Triple-C/EX wire - Platinum gold solder with natural pine resin

Analog Relax JP Lead Advanced
Analog Relax JP Lead Advanced
1.095,00 Price include 21% VAT Price exclude VAT € 904,96
The JP LEAD was developed for shell lead wires. It utilizses cable made of the most advanced materials that have been invented in Japan.
This cutting-edge item breaks conventional wisdom.
This excellent product is made for enthusiasts who are passionate about audio.
Cables invented in Japan

The JP LEAD uses two state-of-the-art cables, both of which were invented in Japan.
-PC Triple C: OFC copper wire manufactured using proprietary forging methods that remove micron-sized impurities. It is even purer than PCOCC.
-PC Triple C/EX: The surface of the PC Triple C is coated with a dual-layered 5N pure silver structure. The high-frequency band passes through the silver, allowing for wider bandwidth transmission.
There are two items in the product lineup

-JP LEAD Standard AR-LW-JPS1: Made with PCTripleC cables, which were invented in Japan, and domestic silver soldering. Experience a wider range through a next generation conductor with specifications that exceed PCOCC.
-JP LEAD Advance AR-LW-JPA1: Made with PCTripleC/EX cable, which is PCTripleC coated with 5N pure silver. High conductivity for even greater dynamic range and shine

- Wire material: PC Triple C/EX (PC Triple C at the center, 5N pure silver at the outside)Diameter 0.3 mm x 7 wires Twisted wire
- Solder material: Platinum Gold Nikkas Contains natural pine resin