78 R.P.M

78 R.P.M

The generally accepted tip radius for playback of 78 RPM records is 3.0 Mil (0,003 inch). Due to the playback in the past of these very old records with very high stylus pressure or even with steel needles a lot of damage has been caused to the grooves. This damage is the cause of a lot of distortion and back-ground noise. Sometimes better results can be achieved by playing the record either on a lower part or a higher part of the groove which may have been damaged less than the average height. To play-back at a higher level, use either the 3.5 mil, 4.0 mil. To playback at a lower groove level use either the 2.0 mil, or 2.5 mil tip. When you have found the best height affix a sticker to the record so you will know the next time which stylus tip to use for best results.