Enacom Great-Line RCA

Enacom Great-Line RCA

20th Anniversary Special Edition Audio Noise filter /pair

Enacom Great-Line RCA
Enacom Great-Line RCA
Enacom Great-Line RCA
1 pair available !
Being sometimes
Since G-Line ENACOM was sold out. It came back again freshly upgraded and that has become 20th Anniversary Special Edition. A big different as seen between first version and 20th Anniversary Edition, New Great-Line ENACOM have been uniquely and effectively improved by all aspect including such as case, connecters and wire.

Sound? Definitely, greater sound of 20th Anniversary Special Edition can hardly be afforded to miss out! Experience it by yourself, you’re going to love it. Audio signals travel virtually without distortion through the electronic circuitry to the output terminals. But once the signal starts travelling through the interconnect cables and speaker wires, it encounters load resistance, producing a ringing high-frequency distortion. This distortion brings you the harshness and grain in sound.

Great-Line ENACOM removes the harsh noise and grain. The music will start rolling and smooth in no way lacks for details and dimension. Sound will become so musical, relaxed and comfortable to listen. String instrument such as guitar and violin will become superbly delineate, more powerful and dimensional.

Great-Line ENACOM will elevate the sound quality of the systems up to unparallel level. Suggest all expensive line cables owners take up Great-Line and enjoy great music you have ever never experienced.

A revolutionary breakthrough
In sound and image equipment, audio-video signals travel virtually without distortion through the electronic circuitry to the output terminals. But once the signal starts traveling beyond the output terminals and through the interconnect cables and speaker wires, it encounters load resistance, producing a ringing, high-frequency distortion. Enacom noise eliminators remove this harsh noise forever. Simply by connecting the appropriate Enacom device to your equipment, noise just disappears, and sound you didn’t know was there springs to vivid life. Music becomes more cleanly delineated, right down to the least nasal and metallic vocal, giving the sweetest, clearest signal you’ve ever experienced.

The Secret to Sweeter Sound
ENACOM audio noise eliminators by Harmonix are the easiest - and least expensive - way to filter out annoying RF noise as well as the ringing high frequency distortion caused by the inherent load resistance of interconnect cables and speaker wires.
- Connect the Line Cable ENACOM between your amplifier and each audio component and clean up the clutter.
- Attach the Speaker ENACOM to your speaker cables and listen to improved loudspeaker response.
- Plug an AC ENACOM into an empty outlet next to your equipment and say goodbye to harsh sound forever.

The secret's out: "Your system simply cannot sound any sweeter"