Audioquest DragonFly Red

Audioquest DragonFly Red

USB DAC + Preamp + Headphone Amp

Audioquest DragonFly Red
Audioquest DragonFly Red
Audioquest DragonFly Red
Audioquest DragonFly Red
Audioquest DragonFly Red
Audioquest DragonFly Red
229,00 Price include 21% VAT Price exclude VAT € 189,26
DragonFly Red
- USB Stick-Sized Digital-to-Analog Converter
- Plays all music files: MP3 to high-res
- Compatible with Apple and Windows PCs, as well as iOS and Android mobile devices (requires Apple Camera Adapter or Made for Android/OTG adaptor)
- Drives headphones directly
- Fixed output feeds preamp or AV receiver
- Asynchronous transfer ensures digital timing integrity
- High output (2.1 volts) drives almost all headphones, including power-hungry models
- 32-bit ESS 9016 DAC with minimum-phase filter
- Bit-perfect digital volume control

- NATIVE RESOLUTION Up to 24-bit / 96kHz

- OUTPUT 2.1 volts
Direct-Coupled, High output — With a combination of power, beauty, and finesse, DF Red delivers greater overall impact, momentum, and grip than either DF 1.2 or DF Black, while also surpassing their excellent senses of touch, texture, and nuance. In addition, Red's high (2.1v) output means that it can easily drive the widest range of headphones. When used as a line-level device (volume set to 100%), DF Red's 2.1 volts provide enough power to drive all preamplifier, integrated amplifier, or receiver inputs.

The Microchip PIC32MX (USB 2.0 compliant) is a full-speed isochronous USB audio solution. Compared to other controllers, the Microchip microcontroller offers extremely low power consumption (77% lower than the TAS1020b and 95% lower than the most efficient XMOS solution), 32-bit architecture, and the option for software upgradibility (via a desktop application provided by AudioQuest). In addition, the Microchip's ultra-low-noise power supply minimizes the sound-degrading effect of high-frequency interference on the critical audio signal.

- DAC CHIP ESS 9016 32-Bit
Like the ESS 9010, the 32-bit ESS 9016 uses a sophisticated minimum-phase digital filter to provide more naturally detailed and dynamic music, but surpasses the 9010 in overall performance.

- VOLUME CONTROL Digital: 64-Bit Bit-Perfect Volume ControlAnalog Volume Control
DragonFly Red employs a 64-bit, bit-perfect digital volume control that resides inside the DAC chip itself—an elegant and sophisticated implementation that ensures maximum fidelity, dynamic contrast, and signal-to-noise ratio. With DragonFly Red connected to a PC or mobile device, adjusting the host’s system volume control will, through proxy, control the DragonFly Red’s onboard volume

Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10; Apple OS X; Linux (no support provided)

Yes (from desktop application): Please download
AudioQuest's Desktop Manager Application and
register your product.

- USB PROTOCOL  Asynchronous USB Streamlength

- DIMENSIONS 12mm (h) x 19mm (w) x 62mm (l)


SOURCE D/A Converters