Yter Speaker Cable Banana

Yter Speaker Cable Banana

Conductor in Silver(Ag) and Palladium(Pd) alloy /pair

Yter Speaker Cable Banana
Yter Speaker Cable Banana
Yter Speaker Cable Banana
Yter Speaker Cable Banana
1.460,00 Price include 21% VAT Price exclude VAT € 1.206,61

To intervene at a metallurgic level to obtain order and homogeneity of the conductor's crystalline structure, thus providing greater compliance of the music signal within the signal path. Pairing Silver(Ag) and Palladium(Pd) using a new three-phase fusion process is the basic element of the alloy. The crystalline homogeneity of the special alloy is the basis for the metallurgic harmony found in our conductor, almost as if it were a metal "tune". It's all in the process:Well Tempered Argentum Alloy. The result of this development is a speaker cable (YTER) that ensures metallurgical coherence in the path from the amplifier to the drivers. All the processes from the melting, to the drawing, and finally the manufacture of the product, are exquisitely handcrafted at Laboratorium.

Internal wiring Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage, Amati Anniversario, Guarneri Memento.
Laboratorium is dedicated to the entire manufacturing process for this new project. First, there is the melting of Silver and Palladium to create our alloy.We then cold extrude our special alloy in a water bath to form an electrostatic balanced, Gaussian shaped conductor.The component connectors are then realized using our same special alloy.Finally, conductor and connector are cold fused with a mechanical weld where solder is neither desired nor required. With the finished speaker cable product, the music signal passes through YTER and only YTER. The result is a Reference speaker cable fit not only for Stradivari Homage, but all other fine loudspeakers of the world.