Yter Flexum

Yter Flexum

Ambient friendly Acoustical Enhancer /piece

Yter Flexum
Yter Flexum
Yter Flexum
Yter Flexum
Yter Flexum
2.925,00 Price include 21% VAT Price exclude VAT € 2.417,36

Ambient friendly acoustical enhancer.
Flexum improves your listening pleasure by an optimal redistribution of reflections. The wavetrap geometry nature of Flexum cancels negative sonic signatures in architectural spaces. A sculpture for Music, a sculpture of Music.... The Flexum "equalizes" when properly located in the room the frequency response balance, in a natural way, avoiding the "dead" sound of most of the usual room treatments. The inspiration of the acoustic performance of the Flexum comes from the acoustics of the Arcadia Theatres in the Area of Venice, wich have excellent acoustics despite not having any "visible" means of obtaining this except the artful use of wood...
Experimenting with the correct placement of the Flexum is a must, the ear being the last judge for the best location.