Okki Nokki MK3 White

Okki Nokki MK3 White

Record Cleaner Machine

Okki Nokki MK3 White
Okki Nokki MK3 White
Okki Nokki MK3 White
Okki Nokki MK3 White
Okki Nokki MK3 White
€ 450,00 270,00 Price include 21% VAT Price exclude VAT € 223,14

- Built-in safety features prevent fluid being sucked into the vaccum motor and the turntable motor overheating.
- Made in Germany with the highest build values.
- Cool running turntable motor allows for hours of use, no need for noisy fans.
- Forward and reverse motor for 'scrubbing' action.
- Quiet vacuum motor.
- Auto shut-off should the user forget to drain down reservoir.
- Vacuum tubes for 10" and 7" records available.
- Comes complete with recordcleaning fluid and goat hair brush.