Cardas Audio EM5813

Cardas Audio EM5813

Ear Speakers

Cardas Audio EM5813
Cardas Audio EM5813
Cardas Audio EM5813
Cardas Audio EM5813
Cardas Audio EM5813
Cardas Audio EM5813
Cardas Audio EM5813
Cardas Audio EM5813
€ 485,00 325,00 Price include 21% VAT Price exclude VAT € 268,60

As many of you know, the headphone market is exploding! Devices that ear buds attach to, such as iPhone, Android, and iPod have sold over 1.25 billion to date. Literally everyone that walks into stores has one or more of these devices. That said, many companies have released headphone and ear bud models, some good, some great, but many have just gone to an ear bud manufacturer and picked a model off the shelf to put their logo on. As Cardas Dealers and Distributors you already know this is not the way George does things! So after 4 years of research and development encompassing every part of the human hearing system and how it relates to Ear Speaker performance, George has left no stone unturned to develop an Ear Speaker that delivers transfixing musicality. After all, seeking to help talented musicians bring their art to the world  accurately has been the driving force in George's life, and the reason Cardas Audio was founded over 25 years ago. In Ear Mirror Design The human hearing system, musical chords, and these In Ear Speakers are reflections of the Golden Ratio. The EM5813 mirrors the human cochlea, (an exact Golden ratio itself) as well as the tympanic membrane.

- The shape of the elegant copper plated brass bodies of the Ear Speakers are designed to work in symphony with the human hearing system.
- All the parts that make up the custom designed drivers are machined from proprietary solid bar stock metals in California.
- All drivers are hand matched on each pair of Ear Speakers.
- The Ear Speaker cable is Clear Light Headphone Cable which, as you know is a miniature version of the much heralded Clear cable, which is also manufactured in California using proprietary Cardas copper.
- George even custom designed the ultra-thin ear tips to ensure a precise and comfortable fit. (a weak point of many ear buds on the market)
- While the majority of the parts are manufactured in the US, the EM5813 is assembled in China by a small specialty manufacturer chosen by George for their quality work.

In our extensive testing the two most common statements from testers are:

"These are the first ear buds I have tried that fit really well"

" These are so musical I could listen to them all day"

As you can imagine, we are thrilled that these types of comments dominated the testing.