Cardas Audio RCA to XLR Adaptor MRCA-FXLR

Cardas Audio RCA to XLR Adaptor MRCA-FXLR

Male RCA to Female XLR /2Set

Cardas Audio RCA to XLR Adaptor MRCA-FXLR
150,00 Price include 21% VAT Price exclude VAT € 123,97
These custom made adapters mate a Cardas GRFA female or GRMO male RCA connector to either a female or male XLR.

They feature Rhodium and Silver contact surfaces.

- FXLR-MRCA XLR Female. RCA male
- MXLR-MRCA XLR Male. RCA male
- FXLR-FRCA XLR Female. RCA female
- MXLR-FRCA XLR Male. RCA female